Aksan Kalıp San ve Ticaret A.Ş. offers high quality in production of connector parts, terminals, contact pins and their plating for Automotive industry, and production of metal parts as well as assembly of electromechanics for non-Auto (mainly White Goods sector) industry.
Our aim is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and zero defect by meeting the legal requirements and customer special requests. Zero defect means zero customer complaints, error-free product and delivery. The zero-defect approach applies to every product and process. Prestige and profitability that can be provided with zero error and the right cost is vital to guarantee the future of the company.
To reach our goal; advanced quality planning, its application in production and prevention strategies instead of catching the error were adopted.
Our policy is continuous improvement.
All employees must know and apply the rules specified in the Aksan Quality Manual. Every employee should be aware of the quality and competitiveness dimension of his work. The management representative is obliged to take all kinds of activities to ensure that the determined targets are understood and to achieve them.
Our Environment policy
AKSAN Environmental Management System covers internal corporate value issues, corporate culture, organizational structure, knowledge, workforce, capacity, products and services; external context issues related to legal issues, social and economic environment, competitive situation, market and technology. It has been shaped in line with the needs and expectations of the society, employees, Beylikdüzü OSB, IMMIB, customers, suppliers, legal authorities and senior management, covering air and water quality, land use, adverse climatic conditions, accessibility of natural resources, pollution by neighboring companies.
As Aksan and Mikroak in addition to fulfilling our legal responsibilities, we declare and undertake the following;
- Fuilfill customer requests and other conditions
- Ensure continuous development and improvement in harmony with the environment in the planning and implementation of our fields of activity
- Reduce waste
- Minimize the damage of existing wastes to the environment, to dispose of all our non-recoverable wastes,
- Train our employees on Environmental Management System and environmental awareness,
- Reduce the use of natural resources, use them efficiently and consume reusable and recyclable materials as much as possible
- Take all necessary corrective and preventive actions to reduce environmental pollution,
- Use environmentally compatible products and to consider this criterion when determining suppliers,
Ensuring and maintaining environmental quality within the Environmental Management System is Aksan and Mikroak is the main duty of all employees.